Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder; a disorder characterised by a persistent pattern of inattention
and/or hyperactivity.It occurs in 1-3% of the population. It is not related to intelligence.
Can not focus
Do not seem to be listening
Seem to be daydreaming
Very easily distracted
Can not concentrate
Always “on the go”
Can not sit still
Act before thinking
Shout out in class
Intervention Strategies
Screen out unwanted stimuli
Visual Timetable / Chunking (this helps the child to focus on managing their time)
Attention Training (try to get child to increase time concentration each day)
Brain gym & stress toy (exercises designed to increase brain activity and increase opportunities
for legitimate movement in the classroom. A stress toy will help the child concentrate)
ICT (computers provide non-judgemental, immediate feedback in an exciting multi-sensory way)
Circle time (allows children to develop the skills of listening, empathy, making decisions and turn-taking)
Positive reinforcement where possible use careful reprimands for misbehaviour
Keep classroom rules clear and simple
Establish a daily classroom routine and ensure that it is known, understood and practiced
Reduce task length
Follow a difficult task with a preferred task
Place pupil between well-behaved, positive role models